Hi, if i wanted to combine 2 strings to form a path, how i can do it? , because if i want to add {» C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x» } + { thing} + «.txt» it will get unicode error , so how i can do it? , Thanks!
Hi, if i wanted to combine 2 strings to form a path, how i can do it? , because if i want to add {» C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x» } + { thing} + «.txt» it will get unicode error , so how i can do it? , Thanks!
Hello Joaco!
I belive you have to escape the characters with `\`. Because of the symbol «/» that it has a special meaning in a few different languages, to send it as a string to a code you have to write «\/» wherever you need to insert «/» caracter.
Another example is if you use «{«, you can’t send it directly as a string, you have to put \ in front of it. Like this «\{»
Hope it helps!